PIC16F84A help needed!

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New Member

I have written my code in MPLAB (based on code that I found on the net for various projects), and can get nothing to work. I need your help!

I have downloaded a supplied flash.hex (I even tried compiling their asm file) file to the PIC and it worked perfectly, so I can rule out the programmer or circuit being at fault. I have compared all the important bits in my code to the flash.asm and it all seems to be in order.

Perhaps some guys with more experience than me can find the glaring mistake!

Thanks for your help

PS. I forgot to mention that when I try to load my hex file into the programming software (PICALL/P16PRO) I get the error message that I have not included the configuration word.


  • Shifter.zip
    2.6 KB · Views: 400
I downloaded your program and find that it doesn't generate output code because the END statement is misplaced at the end of the file "PIC16F84A.inc". It should be placed at the end of your source code file "shifter.asm". I also took the opportunity to correct a few other coding errors like in the use of the values of cl_ext, ..., ig_cut, etc. in the BSF & BCF instructions. However, I didn't check the logic of your program.


  • SHIFTER_425.zip
    3.4 KB · Views: 381
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