PIC16F877 act as analogue to digital convertor??

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New Member
I notice that Port A of PIC16F877 could function as an Analogue to Digital Convertor. My question is can it perform ADC of an input voice too?? Could u teach me how?? Is it possible to write a program using mplab?? Cuz im doing a project of voice recognition project using PIC16F877.
A pic can't do voice recognition, the algorithms required are way to complex for a pic...

perhaps you should google for commerical voice recognition products...
i agree with Exo. PICs arent meant to do these jobs. voice recognition systems need alot of samples per second of the voice input. and the algorithms for such tasks are very much "resource-hungry". a PIC is meant for control applications not for voice processing. what u need is a DSP based system. or better than that u should use an FPGA. those things have higher sampling rates and are faster.
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