PIC16F877A Loader

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New Member
hi..i try to load a pic16f84a using a sercon2 loader and it works, however i tried it to a pic16f877a..error..what might be the problem?can anybody help me pls?
hi..i try to load a pic16f84a using a sercon2 loader and it works, however i tried it to a pic16f877a..error..what might be the problem?can anybody help me pls?

I don't know much about loaders, but I am sure you will be asked "what loader"..
How serious are you about programming PICs?

If you just want to progam other peoples hex files then I would suggest you build the programmer at

If you want to learn to program I suggest you get a programmer/debugger tool. The Junebug is a nice tool for learning. It is a PICkit2 clone and a 18F1320 target/experimenter board in one unit. It was designed by one of our members. Check the link in my signature.

Another option would be to buy a PICkit2 from microchip.

thanks..i am working now weather devices to be interfaced on lcd..and i'm new to microcontrollers,but i am eager to learn,..i already designed the schematic,the program is next..i'll check your link..

btw i use pic16f877a.
What language do you want to program in ?

If you have not seen them you need to check out the Dallas 1-wire devices. A single twisted pair handle many of these little gems. The PIC has code to talk to them. The easiest is temperature but they exist or have been adapted to most every weather sensor need.
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i'll try to use mikroC in programming..its the suggestion of my teacher..i havnt tried my lcd yet,because of this programmer thing..i cant program my pic16f877a..
What level of school are you in and where do you live ?
3rd yr college..i'm in the philippines..i seek help help to my adviser,but unfortunately hes going to japan next wek for work,i'll do it by myself then..
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