pic16f886 uart + AT problem

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Yes, thats what the second software trigger is for.
But I dont know if the main code works yet, as I cant test it, due to simulator issues.

oh oh!

i just tried with
if((!RE3) && (!m_Switched))    
{	m_Switched = true; 
	 RB0 = 1; 
	printf("Apple \r\n");
	printf("Tart \r\n");
}  else if(RE3)  {  
	m_Switched = false; 
	RB0 = 0;}
and it somewhat works! i wonder why it didnt yesterday.
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found out something weird.

my current code is
if((!RE3) && (!m_Switched))    
     {	m_Switched = true; 
	 RB0 = 1; 
	printf("/// \r\n");
     }  else if((RE3) && (m_Switched))    
     {	m_Switched = false; 
	RB0 = 0;
	printf("Ntu \r\n");     }

, why does the output turn out to be as the one shown in the attached file..
Does the above codes only allow capital letters to be shown or?
*problem solved. i restarted the TeraTerm and i have a proper output combi of capital & small letters now*

Now for the actuall stuffs i guess...... =/

As i guess u have read the dpdf file, i am currently tring out the very first step, which is to send "///", and the LED will turn oranger indicating that it is in AT mode. i am setting up the TeraTerm for COM1 (together with the rs232 connection) and HyperTerminal for the COM14 (external bluetooth which looks something like this).

I am hoping to make a start by being able to transmit "///" and making the bluetooth into going into AT mode.

On further exploration, i was thinking of the logic of how the final setup will look like, is it possible if we explore along the line of
if(porta == 0x01)         
{         if(portb = 0x01)   /*assigns content of portB RB0 to 0x00 for turn-off Led*/
           {      portb = 0x00;    }
         else{ portb = 0x01; } /*assigns content of portB RB0 to 0x01 for turn-on Led*/

Its something i found from this site. As there many steps to follow and there's 4 Leds on my pre-made board, i guess this is one of the more feasible method the run through the steps and ensuring that each one of them has been done? i am trying to come up with the logic first and its already making me confused.lol


  • AppleTart..JPG
    29.5 KB · Views: 192
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It looks as though you are getting some corrupted data somewhere.

The link you provided looks like a toggle momentary switch.

The code doesn't affect the output, it should output as you typed.

Try adding a "\0" to the end of the strings to terminate them.

i went home after i last editted the reply yesterday and just reached the office now. i wonder whats our time difference..haha

hmm do u mean printf("/// \r\n\0"); ?
so both \0 and the m_switch are inserted to sort of teminate it?
how do i code it up if i want to do the following.

initially, for the first step,check if any of the leds are lit, if not, light up RB0 and send "///" when pressing the button. (at the same time entering AT mode)
of course, next i wud have to let go the button.
consecutively, lets say when the button pressed, check if RB0 is lit, if it is, off it & on RB1, and sending another AT command.
next if RB0 = 0 & RB1 = 1, then off RB0 & RB1 and on RB2. so on and so forth.

am kidna confused of how to write the code. afraid that it will screw up the rest.
I think we are GMT+0.

You can do an "if (RB0) // led lit" for example on the LED's to check if they are lit.

You will need to check PORTB against a mask for ex if (PORTB == 0b00000011) would check RB0 and RB1 were lit.

Or, alternatively, set up a count variable, each time the button is pressed, increment then check the value with a switch statement.

if((!RE3) && (!m_Switched))    {
		if (RB0=0)
{	m_Switched = true; 
	 RB0 = 1; 
	printf("/// \r\n\0"); 	//) goes into AT mode
this doesnt seem to be working?
oh i think i shud b at GMT+8, Singapore.

oh yes!! how i can have forgotten the double"=". silly me.

Hmm oh yes, u just reminded me of switch-case. that may be more efficient but shud i reference the count to the count number of the button pressed or the numbers of leds that have been lit before? 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, etc...
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can i continue the code by writing
if((!RE3) && (!m_Switched))    
{	m_Switched = true;	
	 if (RB0==0)			{
	 	RB0 = 1; 
		printf("/// \r\n\0"); 	}	//goes into AT mode

	else if(PORTB==0b00000001)		{
		printf("AT*AGND \r\n\0")	}
         else if(PORTB==0b00000010)		{
		printf("AT*AGND \r\n\0");	}

}  else if((RE3) && (m_Switched))    
{	m_Switched = false; 
	RB0 = 0;

and so on...
Nope, i dont think it's feasible..i tried it..

Hmm how do i start the count rolling?
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Hmmm, thats a bit long winded.
Set up a global int called m_Count = 0;
m_Switched = true;
case 1:
//AT Command 1
case 2:
//AT Command 2

This is part of what you want to do I believe?

ohhh so its the m_count that we need to put in there...i was thinking how will the uC understand that m_count refers to the number of times we have pressed the button?

However, i have tried changing the overall codes to
	#define XTAL_FREQ 8MHZ

void init_rs232();
void putChar( unsigned char ch);

#define MHZ *1000L
#define XTAL_FREQ 8MHZ
#define DelayUs(x) { unsigned char _dcnt; \
_dcnt = (x)/((12MHZ)/(XTAL_FREQ))|1; \
while(--_dcnt != 0) \
continue; }

int m_Count;
#define true 1 
#define false 0 
void main()
	OSCCON= 0x75; //8Mhz High Freq Clock, can be fine tuned using OSCTUNE
	TRISE = 0x08;
	TRISB = 0xF0; 
	ADCON1 = 0x07;
	static bit m_Switched = false;

//Global or main function variable.  
if((!RE3) && (!m_Switched))    
{	m_Switched = true;	

	case 1:
		RB0 = 1; 
		printf("/// \r\n\0");
	case 2:


void init_rs232()
	BRGH = 1;	// high baud rate to avoid baud rate error & bcos 16bit achieve slow baud rates fr fast osc freq
	BRG16 = 0;
	SPBRG = 8;		// Fosc=8Mhz, ,16, BR=57600 

	TX9  = 0;	                // 9bits=1: 8-bit=0 
	SYNC = 0;	                // asynchronous 
	SPEN = 1;	                // enable serial port pins 
	TXEN = 1;	                // enable the transmitter & (automatically)TXIF=1 
	CREN = 1;	// enable reception 
	SREN = 0;	                // no effect 
	TXIE = 0;	                // disable tx interrupts
	RCIE = 0;	                // disable rx interrupts 
	RX9  = 0;	// ninebits?1:0,,,8- or 9-bit reception 
but there's no output available to it, it's stuck to led RB1=1
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eek, you forgot your breaks!

Look at my code after each case statement I have included a break, but you havent, therefore your code falls right through to RB1=1 no matter what the case.

Dont forget to reset the count when you have reached sufficient level.

Also, dont forget to initialise your variable.

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oops! i've changed that portion to
if((!RE3) && (!m_Switched))    
{	m_Switched = true;	
	case 1:
		RB0 = 1; 
		printf("/// \r\n\0");		// AT mode
	case 2:
		printf("AT*AGND \r\n\0");	// search fr new device
	case 3:
		break;			}

but to no avail.........i was thinking if its due to the m_Count too as i still wonder how the uC knows that 1 button press == 1 count

Btw, i just consulted my supervisor if i'm on the right track and he said that i'm lacking of the receiver part of the uC! hmm, as we are now able to send Apple etc from uC to PC, as shown from the results in HyperTerminal, but we have not set it up for the uC to receive any infos =/ If this is not set, there'll be no response seen no matter wat we typed in the final product.

Remember that u once taught me
void putch(unsigned char byte) 
{	/* output one byte */
	while(!TXIF)	/* set when register is empty */
	TXREG = byte;
is the receiving part similar to this?

I think we need to use RCREG, but now if we're gonna use TXREG and RCREG, are we still allowed to use printf?
i think the logic for the
Tx: uC send to PC and shown in HT
Rx: PC's HTerminal send to uC, uC receive & it sends back response, finally shown in HT.

but how should be the confusing codes be written =(
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Like this:
And yes, you are still allowed to use printf
unsigned char getch()
	/* retrieve one byte */
	while(!RCIF)	/* set when register is not empty */
	return RCREG;	

To echo the reply back to the UART use the getch echo like this:
unsigned char getche(void)
	unsigned char c;
	putch(c = getch());
	return c;

oh u just need to return RCREG; for the receiving portion? Hmm btw, what's the continue used for?

hmm its Saturday over here today, can only try those codes agn on monday when i get back to office =/
Yes, continue means if you are not ready to receive a character then carry on without attempting to receive the char from the UART receive buffer.

Yes, I am out most weekends away from my computer, so I mainly respond on a weekday also, with technical / code responses, general responses if i'm at my computer checking emails I will reply.

Hope you have a good weekend.

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