PIC16f887 and 16x2 LCD Display

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New Member
I have a project that i am working on that requires that I make use of a PIC16f887 and a 16x2 LCD display. I am struggeling to find any information about how to connect the two together and program the pic to drive the LCD.
Thanks for the websites but there does not seem to be anything on them about the PIC16F887.

If you post the code you have already written we could help you debug and add to it.

Look at this link from Gramo's site, [main link at bottom of this post]

**broken link removed**
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My problem is that this is my very first project with a pic. All that i have done with the pic so far is some addition and isplaying it out on LED's. I have been told by my lecturer to download a driver for the display and use it. I have spent a few weeks looking for the driver and as of yet not found one.

You're unlikely to find something for that exact obscure device - like I said, my routines will VERY easily move to any 16F device - I'm sure your lecturer didn't tell you to get someone else to do the work for you?, study my routines and make the slight changes required (which are only really in the setup and equates).
For an absolute beginner to the LCDs you must follow this tutorial which published on 11 years back in EPE magazine.

Its great


  • lcd1.pdf
    240.7 KB · Views: 2,477
  • lcd2.pdf
    159.1 KB · Views: 1,708
Thanks Gayan. This is the sort of thing that is was looking for. Just read though it and it answers alot of the other questions that i have.

Last edited by ericgibbs; Today at 09:50 AM.

It appears, (possibly due to my own reply appearing on another page), that directing the last poster (resurrecting an old post) to look back up the thread for answers, has possibly been misinterpreted.

I'll try again, in a clearer style...
can some one help me how to interface pic16f887 with 16*2 LCD
Look at the previous posts (above your own) as this has already been covered and the answers are there.

Apologies for any misunderstanding.
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