pic16f887 matlab graph

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New Member
i have 2 Variable i get from chip
T_Byte1; RH_Byte1;
and i need to make 2 graph in matlab from this data
does any one know how i can sand that data with a uart
and what i need to write in the matlab?
I think it would be easier to use LabVIEW than Matlab to interface your microcontroller to PC .
However, if you insist on using matlab, there is an interconnection between LabVIEW and Matlab where the data acquired from your pic chip to LabVIEW can be exported to matlab and can be processed there.

I don't think you could directly use matlab to communicate with your chip.
Better you check in google.
Labview popularity is growing quickly i dont know why but i wanted to try it (**broken link removed**) but misterT comment giving me high warning. is it good to spend time on labview? specially as it promises creative learning environment as i read about it
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