Pic16pro programmer Help

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I cannot get my laptop to work with it! But it works on my desktop using the same settings! All that winpic saids is " Windows fooled around with the ports bits" !

Anyone have any suggestions to try?

Laptops often have non-standard ports, so you may not be able to use it? - best bet for a laptop is a USB programmer like the InchWorm+.
P16PRO problem

Are you using Winpic or WinPicProg? If you are using Nigel's WinPicProg you can in the software toggle all the lines and see if your LPT port is ok. I did also have problem with my P16PRO40, the problem was a dead pin 10 on the LPT port so i select another input pin i think it is pin 13 and now it's works
very good.
Im sorry, Im using "winpic" for the software, I cannot locate "winpicproc" on your link. Nigel It sends me to Winpic!, But I have found a beta version 1.95, but Im not sure what the settings should be!
This ts the layout Im using. https://www.electro-tech-online.com/custompdfs/2007/09/p16pro40.pdf
Where Can I DL the working version of WinPICprog! (not the beta )

Note the programmer works on my desktop using winpic and the p16pro settings. (not the p16pro40 settings)
The beta version 1,95e is OK, i use it. Open the program and push Options-Hardware-Programmer Type, Select P16PRO40 7406 or 7407 it depends on what chip you have in your programmer, some are inverted some are not. Select the right one and the hardware settings are done.
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