PIC18F4550 and USB connection

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New Member
Has anyone attempted connecting a pic 18f4550 to a pc usb port? The specs say 'directly connect' but there isn't a circuit schematic, and this chip I have is my only USB capable PIC MCU. I'm guessing at this point, but am I safe to assume that once I get this USB issue right, I should be able to program my higher end PICs from this 4550 chip? Either by ICSP, or bootloaders?
Greetins Hop'... I believe the USB pins are "direct connect" to a USB connector... I recall seeing this in one of the Microchip "Migrating to USB" type documents... Also, check out the Microcontroller > USB forums on FORUM.MICROCHIP... A couple threads there discuss the pitfalls of converting the Microchip USB 'C' firmware for operation on the '2550/'4550...

Good luck... Regards, Mike - K8LH
Hopperito said:
I'm guessing at this point, but am I safe to assume that once I get this USB issue right, I should be able to program my higher end PICs from this 4550 chip? Either by ICSP, or bootloaders?

If you want to build a PIC programmer around it, I suggest you look at the PICKit1 on the MicroChip website, that gives all the details (including PC and PIC source) to build a USB PIC programmer - using the older 16C745 USB PIC.
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