PIC18F4550 I/P help

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Hello, I am a mechanical engineer that is trying to do some work with the PIC18F4550I/P chip. I am competely lost. Can anyone show me a simple wire diagram of how to hook up the chip to a protoboard for power. I have the PICkit 2 and the MPLAB IDE to program but can't seem to find the defult code for the device. I also have the attachment to the protoboard for the pickit 2 but don't know how to hook that into the chip. I am trying to do some simple tests on the chip to see if I can light an LED, use an LCD screen/a calculator, and use a temperature sensor. I believe I have everything I need resistors, capacitors, potenitomers, switches, and a voltage regulator but I can't figure out what do to. I found the wire diagram on the data sheet but can't figure out what all the numbers next to each pin mean.

Can anyone help me find the code and how to wire it up? Or is there an idiots guide for this device?

Thank you
Maybe this help show how I would do it **broken link removed**
The pic show the chip on the bread board
**broken link removed**
And the hookup of the chip now I used a RESONATORS you don't have to till you start using USB.


  • 4550.PNG
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One way to get going quick is to look up info on the Microchip website with 'PIC18f4550' in search. That will usually bring up the necessary documentation first hand without having to wade through forums posts and such. Lots of info there.

When it comes to schematics and software then the 8 bit/development tools will usually bring up a **broken link removed** that will fit your device. The good thing is that a User Manual, schematics, and test code examples are supplied. The code examples are usually in asm, or C, that are compatible with the MPLAB IDE. Should be what you are looking for. Have Fun.

P.S. The Pickit 2 should be able to power your board just fine for your limited scope of projects. No backlit lcd of course. Also keep that the analog variable pot to below 2.5K ohms; a higher one might work, just don't try to read it very fast.
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