PIC18F4550 (used for Noise generator)

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New Member

I am a new member, and I have just started this project, 'WHITE NOISE GENERATOR'. I am using a PIC (PIC18F4550) micro controller and a I2C bus expander. I am using MPLAB (C programming) to write a code for the LCD display, in which the user will have the options to select the bandwidth, volume, type of noise (analogue or digital). what's the best way of starting/planning the structure + content of the code.

Your help is really appreciated!
you say you are using MPLAB but are you using something like HITECH for the compiler?
I enjoy using CCS and find it much easier to use.

As far as the noise, I am clueless there and have only done this in MATLAB/Simulink. I would suggest start by getting the LCD to work properly and get some buttons to work. you can then write some basic code to get some screens for the user.

What are you outputting to ?
I have got a circuit diagram from a book called, 'The Art of Electronics'. Basically, the circuit is a mixture of analog and digital circuitry. It uses shift registers and a diffrential amplifier. It is the shift registers with the resistors connected to them that causes a random sequence of bits, which is fed into the diff amp for analogue noise.

How are you going to generate the noise?
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