PIC24FJ family and Development Stuff

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Back when I worked in the electronics industry (15 years now), when I did a hardware design using a processor, I would just plop a uP on a schematic, ensure all the hardware design was correct, and then just hand-off the completed design to a software person.

Well, now I find myself in the position where I am working on a board design, but this time I have to worry about the code myself, and I am getting that thousand yard stair one gets after sifting through the multitudes of information concerning the software aspect of a microcontroller design. Now I have the basic idea of what I need to do, but then again I am getting overwhelmed by some of what I need to do, or will need to do.

So, my first step was to decide on a device, I decided on Microchip as they seem popular. Then I thought about what I want my design to do.
Graphics display with touch switch, some analog sensor inputs, USB interface, flash, and a few other features. Well, since I am developing a prototype and will want all the Up power I would need (keep in mind I was not sure what I would need at this time), I thought I would start with a big device and could scale down after I had the prototype worked out. So the 64 pin PIC24FJ256GB110 had everything I needed.

At this point, and I am working to actually get this prototype a functioning unit soon, wanted to get the software tools I would need to develop functioning code. The PIC24 starter kit development board looked like a good prospect as it had everything I needed, the GB110 PIC, OLED display, touch interface, and so on. So I figured this would be a good platform to develop and learn the libraries. I should mention at this point, my code writing experience is limited to a 1 semester class at a Junior college in C++ language.

I got the starter kit, powered it up and yay it works. Now I am at the realization of all the overwhelming and thousands of pages of users manuals and library manuals I need to read, ughh.

That's one issue, here is my other and more concerning at this point. As I was putting my schematic design together, I realized how much I over estimated my I/O needs and the PIC24FJ128GB110 is really overkill. I realized I could probably get away with the PIC24FJGB204 which is a 44 pin part and probably a better choice. Here is the problem, my Starter Kit development board, came with Mplab 8.31 IDE, and the order sheet said it came with a XC16 compiler, but what I got is C30 compiler and for this know nothing guy I would not care, only thing is, it does not support the GB204 part.

I looked on the web, and and found a download for a XC16 compiler free edition, but can I run the install using my current IDE, and also, will it mess up the C30 compiler, or can I have both, cause I still want to be able to use all the sample code I got with the PIC24 starter kit. Second, If I go with the GB204 part, I will need a development board like the Explorer 16 (I think), as it supports both of the PIC parts I mentioned above and I just need different daughter cards. Have any of you used the explorer? I am mostly concerned with using it for this project, and really don't care if I can't program all kinds of parts like a PICKIT. So with all that said and all my questions, anyone have any input/recommendations? and thanks. I am sure I will have many more questions.
Well I tried downloading and installing the XC16 compiler, and somewhat expected to see it as a choice in my project>>select language tool, using my Mplab IDE, but I did not...
Frustrating stuff.
Should I uninstall XC16 first, then update, then reinstall XC16, or will just updating Mplab do it?
Okay I went to install 8.83 and the instructions told me to uninstall previous versions of Mplab, but here is what worries me. When I bought the developer kit for the eval board, it installed a bunch of stuff (code, etc) for the board. Now if I do the new install, I think I will lose all that stuff making my developer kit useless.
You can save it to mplabOld you'll still have it all then. Unnstall just make sure you save it all
This is all matter of preferences. If you like new MPLAB X, you can use it. If not, MPLAB 8.92 will work as well. There are also third-party tools which you can use instead.
Well, unsure how to proceed, I called Mouser and spoke with a field apps Engineer (FAE) for Microchip. I explained my issue and he told me I could go ahead and leave my MPLAB 8 IDE installed, and just install MPLAB X which would then install a MPLAB driver switcher. What this does is allows me to switch between MPLAB 8, and MPLAB X. So I said sure, and did as he suggested and it works just fine. I can switch between the two apps. The two IDE's have quite a few differences in look and operation.
I have an MC 'Explorer ' still in its box , I found out there is no on board means of programming a pic you need a IDC or at least pickit3 , also the USB not what you imagine , I gave up with it at that point. now i put larger (44-100 pin) PIC24's on a breakout board or use dip versions , I think you should consider using the faster PIC24 or dsPIC33 chips 70 MIPS with up to 512 memory, there are also 5volt versions very useful.
The explorer is $129.00 here in USA, so if you already spent that much money, why not just get a Pickit 3, they are cheap. Then you would have all you need for a good development board, or at least I would think so.
Mike... I was lured by a discount for the explorer , even got a couple of pigtail boards from different supplier . I already had 2x PK3 and PK2 . but explorer data sheet (have a look ) suggested this was all i needed to program and debug up to PIC32, with usb, lcd etc etc.... not the case usb is conected to another pic onboard , lcd has problems with ADC , and needs a mod. easier to build my own dev bd ( and more fun) , PS have a look at PIC24 microstick , has prog and debug onboard and will plug into bread board...
Are you saying that even with the Pickit 3 you can't program the device? That is really lame that they would advertise something that is not true. I almost bought the explorer to test code and use the breakout box features... Whew I dodged the bullet, but I am sorry for you.
Programming and development with explorer 16 cannot be done alone , asis you need PK3 , ICD or simlar. and possibly some daughter pigtail boards ( there is a small dev area ) I thought it was messy . Don't get me wrong I think PIC24 & dsPIC family are the best thing since sliced bread but I prefer the diy approach.


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From what I have read, if you have the pickit you can program the explorer 16. The pickit seems pretty inexpensive considering what you paid for the explorer board. I can download code to my starter kit so it baffles me as to why the Explorer does not support the USB?
You would think they would have made it easy to actually develop code on that board considering they are trying to sell the PIC parts. I almost purchased the explorer, now I am glad I did not, very disappointing. I am sure someone has made a hack somewhere to enable the USB. You might give it a search. The starter kit will allow me to program and debug so I am happy with that. Sorry for your situation.
I just found this link on hacking your Explorer board. **broken link removed**

On the site for the USB it is using the PICKIT2, I don't know if the PICKIT3 will do the same as I never used either, and my first time using Microchip. I'm lame, sorry.
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