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New Member
I used PICC software to write a program for PIC18F452 and used IC prog with a JDM programmer to program the device. Iwas simuleted correctly in Proteus7 software. But when it is programmed to the PIC it does not work. Assembly programs are working in this pic. is there a bug in this PICC?
More likely it's either a hardware problem, or a software problem, but why use PICC when there's a free C compiler from MicroChip?.
PICC and PICC18 is so pupolar in the industry, all Microchip FAE here in the new england area recommend it.

Couple of years ago, Some of them even told me privately to avoid using C18 for product development since they thought Microchip C18 was a piece of junk and a trouble-maker for them.

My personal experience about the C18 is, once you got use to other C compilor, like the PICC or Turbo C, you won't like the C18.

And I don't recommend the C18 for beginners even though it is almost free.

The PICC lite is free and support some popular PICs. It will save lot of time for beginner, so they can concentrate on the C language, not the compiler itself.
By the way, you cannot use a PICC for PIC18F chips, which require a PICC18 c compiler.

PICC is target on PIC12F and PIC16F family not the PIC18Fs.
Here is some projects we have done with PICC for PIC12F508 chip(which only got 512 bytes of Flash, 25 bytes of RAM):

One example is the LED runner which only consume 21% of flash and 68% of RAM, web link and user manual are here:
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Another example is a dual-door bell project (only use 59% of flash, 84% of RAM), web link and user manual are here:
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Hope this will clear the confuse.
I have had no problems with the C18 compiler.

Can you post your running light code so I can compare the two?

Hi, Mike,
It is good to hear that.
Since both project are commercial product now, I don't have the authority to post the code here, but I can help post the build result with PICC, please see below.
It was amazing when I was first told it was written in C language for the 12F508 chip with so little Flash and RAM.

By the way, PICC cannot compare with C18 since the PICC is target to the PIC12Fs and PIC16Fs.

Funny N.

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