PICKIT 2 Burned out

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys ive done it finally lol ... i burnt out

U5: FDC6420C
D4: ZHCS1000

I dont know how.... but i plan to try and repair it.... can someone tell me good replacements? I plan to order them from digikey but if anyone can find better source then tell me

Both parts are available from Digikey.

Apply solder to remove the parts, then clean the pads with solder wick.
It is quite easy to solder the SOT-23 diode; U5 is more difficult. Use a thin tip, sharp tweezers help a lot.
I have all tools just need to order parts... anyone have a idea on how this could happen? or well ... why.... could it be a + / - (POLE) reversal i did by accident?
Have you talked with Microchip? I have heard that they have replaced PICkit2's that were out of warranty.
mines is badly damaged i doubt they would touch it lol


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Is that damaged or modified ?

The PICkit2 is a great tool. Did you seen
where they are using PICkit2's to program AVR's ?
The USB part broke off so i soldered a new one and i had to reprogram it before using JUNEBUG so i added the header and the FEMALE header got damaged so i added a 2 row female header for stability.. Worked great until i blew it...

Thanks for that link!! looks awesome!!! ill try it as soon as i get my PICKIT 2 back up...
I hope you can get it back working again. I would be a little frustrated at not being able to program my pics. I'm getting the parts together to build myself a programmer so I can burn programs to my pics. I recently order 4 690s and 4 877As from Microchip for my projects. I will try using the simple programmer that Lothar Stolz designed to write the firmware to the PICKIT2 clone i'm gonna build.
i have a junebug still so i can program my heart away but i do want to get my pickit 2 back up
That's good, it doesn't hurt to keep a backup if something does happen to your main programmer. I may make 2 programmers to keep one as a backup if something happens to my main programmer
His dog ate it LOL
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the robust life of Atoms Pickit2
It gave up its electrons for the good of all PICs in the world
LOL Heh does that mean when i replace the parts and it works again ... im a mad scientist? ....
same here...
i think that it gave up just for conecting the target board before the programmer.
i´m right now searching here for info on pickit clones.
i just became dependent on the debugger feature and i can't go anywhere with my standard programmer, since my projects become advanced way to quickly with this programmer.
right now, it seems that a pickit clone would have been a very good first project after buying the original one.

best regards,
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