Pickit 2 erases it self

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Well-Known Member
If I leave my pickit 2 pluged to my computer and turn it off it erases it self and I have to reinstall the firmware has this happen to any 1
If I leave my pickit 2 pluged to my computer and turn it off it erases it self and I have to reinstall the firmware has this happen to any 1
No. That's strange. Mine stays plugged in all the time.
I've had it happen 2 times this week. It works fine after I reinstall the firmware. I programed a 16f628a it ran fine came back about 1 hour later and open the pick2 programmer V2.55 and no Operating System downloaded it and it worked fine that time I even had to reprogram the pic16f628a could it be the dry air I no if you walk upstairs you can shock any 1 you touch but in the basement where I work that doesn't happen and I always gnd myself
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One of my student's laptop has a USB port that will cause a Junebug to erase itself. It will also screw up any other device you plug into it. The port next to it works fine.

This is a known problem with the Pickit 2. There has been a discussion on the piclist about it reasonably recently.

The way round it is to have 2 pickits - you can reload the firmware on the erased one with the other one.
be80be is seeing it twice a week. Most days we crank up 10 junebugs in class an save for the laptop with the bad port we have not seen it.

This is not expected behavior.

It seems to happen for certain people more than others. Some have had it quite regularly, others have had no problems at all.

It might be a certain type of USB port, a certain type of machine, maybe other drivers that interfere with the pickit sending it incorrect commands when they incorrectly identify it as something else - lots of variables.

But ........ it is a known problem and has been discussed a lot previously.

Microchip Technology User Forums
picbits i think you have a good point there maybe its the USB chipset in some machines. Or maybe its there version of windows(SPx) or something similar. Maybe its a virus on the machine.

I say the later mainly because it used to happen to me but every since i redid (cleaned and reinstalled xp) I have not seen the issue come back. I own a Junebug and PICkit 2 and that was my fix(also had to reprogram my PICkit 2 )
No virus It a clean install of xp pro because I lost all my data on my old drive and had to install a new 1 lost all my good stuff didn't back up C: where mplab wants to build at.It did it on the 2 computers I have upstairs too 1 I run linux on and my kids have vista it did it to. It's not a big deal I was thinking I may need to get me 1 more programer
I have had a PICkit2 erase itself. Maybe twice a year.

As the first one that I bought was one of the batch delivered without a programme at all, it sat in a draw for some time. Then I read the microchip website and found that it was a known problem, and I used an ICD2 to program it the first time.

Good bit of kit, but you may need some backup in case it goes blank.
My pickit2 came with no OS installed It has a bootloader the OS is what gets erased or firmware which one you want to call it. I just reinstall it work find but I think I'll make a back up programmer like a jdm or a ICD2 my wife would kill me if I bought a new one she thinks I'm crazy now. for what I do have and the mail come's to the the house what do you do. LOL
Do like my buddy does. He orders everything to my house. Then he doesn't have to hear the nagging. What she don't know she can't nag about.

You need a friend you can trust that doesn't live too far away, and that the wife doesn't visit.
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Is it from Microchip or from Sure electronics? If later make, there is a solution offered.
Try to load an earlier version of firm ware like 2.52 and let us see whether the same thing happens. Also, try to put it in another USB socket,and as the observation of 3v0's student helps you too.

by the way, please see the last para of the FAQ on bootloader here
PICkit 2 FAQ
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Microchip it's about 3 mouths old

Then, perhaps you can happily seek a replacement, though, transportation to and fro would cost enough. But any issue in loading just a previous version if it is accepting the loading of file?
It work's just get's old reloading the OS every time I use it I guess that's why Thay sell them so cheap it doesn't happen if I leave the computer on
There must be some factor in you setup or environment that is causing the problem. If everyone had the problems you are facing they would fix it.

Either that or you have a unit that is marginal.
It may be My usb I'm going to build me a new one for my shop use
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