PICKit2 Better Support by MPLAB 7.62

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We all know it programs tons if PICs natively but has compatibility issues with MPLAB. Thats proof the bottleneck is in the software and not a hardware limitation. Each version of MPLAB slowly catches up to PICKit2 with a few more devices on its list.

The latest MPLAB 7.62 now supports many more of the Mid-Range devices for PICKit2. I just bought a Kit2, experienced the usual happiness from its small size and full USB powering, experienced the usual disappointment of finding out that Mid-Range chips are not ALLOWED in MPLAB, then finally experienced the usual discovery of an upgrade fix.

Well every thing I want and need in an ICSP for PIC is satisfied. Its about time. Anyone want my archiac NOPP, my busted ICD2-clone, or my unacceptably slow Velleman programmer which took 15 minutes to program what I do now in 10 seconds? Please, take them. Take the memories of them with you.

P.S. Be afraid, be very afraid of the ridiculous 35+ minute install for 7.62.
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You would think they would have a small zip file for the MPLAB/PicKit 2 device upgrades, but Nooooooo! That would be way too easy. Besides that tho, pretty handy like you say.
donniedj said:
.... experienced the usual disappointment of finding out that Mid-Range chips are not ALLOWED in MPLAB, then finally experienced the usual discovery of an upgrade fix. ...

Where abouts can one obtain the 'fix'? Really frustrated that MPLAB doesn't let me program most devices that are really supported by PICkit2!!

Cheers, B
Microchip has a page on what parts are supported by the PICkit 2
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Download the PICkit 2 software and MPLAB 7.62 from Microchip
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MPLAB 7.62 update link:
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Has alot of better support as if. As if meaning the support sort of works. Code folding is wonderful. Its issue is that the setting is not remembered on project load. So you ALWAYS start with all the code unfolded, forcing you to callapse all code then one by one unfold the code you want to see. PICKit2 settings are not remembered on project load either. Also PICKit2 is supposed to set the MCLR to high if you tell it to after programming, needless to say that does not work. Still about 100 times better than microcaugh.
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