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PicKit2 Clone

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I made this pk2 clone by schematics from blueroomelectronics,
but made my own pcb layout.
(I must critisize leaving out aux pin 6; it's only 2 resistors plus
and I realized that it has it's use only after darn thing was made.)

So I have only two pics to test this board with.
With pic16f84 both fast and normal programming works.
With pic16f628a only slow programming works.

I have noticed that 84 draws 45uA on Vpp pin and 628a draws 3mA on Vpp pin.

Can you tell me how to make fast programming work?

Many thanks.
OK so I hooked up my DMM and measured frequency on clock pin, and here is what I get:

PIC16F84A FAST 60KHz (max)
PIC16F628A SLOW 100KHz (max)

Can someone tell me what is the maximum frequency used by pickit2 on clock data and aux programming pins?

Many thanks.


OK so either:

1)Transistors are too slow
2)Too much capacitance in traces/protoboard
3)High frequency noise from switching PSUs or radio

84 always works but 628 doesn't
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