I think the problem is with your config. Having MCLR off with the internal clock can prevent chips going into program mode. You may be able to fix this in a number of ways.
Try using Vpp first in the PK2 software. It's on the tools menu.
Enable the MCLR pin.
I started to get a no device found after using my Pickit2 with the LPC board with the Microchip supplied USB. Turns out a SHORT USB (<2') with a ferrite 'clip on' inductor brought things back to life.
That cable was one that came with my Digital camera. Swapping other known good USB cables that worked with my printer etc did NOT help. It appears that the IMPEDANCE of the USB cable is significant.
Hey All; Thanks for your responses. It turns out that the program code was OK (as I thought it was)...and tried biasing the PIC externally from the PICkit2 and things seem to work better now. I have programmed succesfully 3 times since then. I still have an issue with the pk2 software and its checksum as i import a hex file...the sum always seems to be a value of 0002 larger than the checksum on MPlab. I have been programming through MPlab, getting the correct checksum, then reading on the pk2 software and checksum reads what it should be. For some reason, when I import, it adds 0002. Anyhow, things are much better right now thanks to all for the help.
Mosiac - Sure, I can take a look. I have some commitments over the next few days but Im sure I'll be able to sit at the computer for a while...let me know.
Steve, shall we start a new thread then? I have concerns over appropriate resistors/ferrite beads in line with MOSFET gates to prevent ringing as happens when the MOSFET is switched, then there is the issue of handling conducted emissions via the power/ signal/sensor inputs which can be up to 6' long and using ferrite clip ons.I'm thinking of housing the MCU circuit in a (grounded to Vss) metal can but there will be 'leaks' via LED displays and cable grommets.
I'll be using double sided PCB with a ground plane and mostly SMD.
I don't have much test eqpt, just a DSO 100 PC/digital storage scope with 50ohm probes. I need advice in this area , plus perhaps how to setup up a test environment "tem-Cell'? for EMC.
Had same problem, after going through dozens of chips and pulling so much hair... all you need to do is go to Tools and select "Use VPP First Program Entry"
You can now re-program "bad chips"
MadMac99au/Colin, this thread is nearly 4 years old. Chances are the issue has been resolved, as the OP hasn't posted in this thread since September of 2010
Let's try to avoid resurrecting old threads if at all possible.
MadMac99au/Colin, this thread is nearly 4 years old. Chances are the issue has been resolved, as the OP hasn't posted in this thread since September of 2010
Let's try to avoid resurrecting old threads if at all possible.
MadMac99au, you were not the starter of this thread. How do you know the thread starter didn't solve the problem already?
Usually when a thread has been dead for 4 years, it is better to start your own and perhaps link to the old one. It would be better than resurrecting one that was abandoned years ago.