Hi G and N,
I've been programming quite happily, then chaos!! I'm not getting any sensible programming.
Regarding HVP an LVP here is a note I found from the last time this cropped up:
I've been programming HVP ever since. I wish posted notes had dates on them, when they say old and new.
I've been playing with PK2 today, and some old 18F2520 projects, as I wanted to proceed up to 18F4431s.
Using the PK2 software, which checks which PIC is selected and sets it, also sets the voltage (which is a nice lost feature).
Without any external power it READs WRITES, but the programs don't work (could be me!)
The PK2 also find 18F4431 and 'also on my latset pcb, an 18LF4620. With power 5v to the PCB, it reports voltage error.
N's comments and very early programming remind m of the high voltage 12V needed to program them, is this true still?