PicStart Plus - where to get one?

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New Member
I am looking to get a programmer for pics. I have used Picstart Plus and liked it. Where can I get one other than the microchip website, for posibbly a little less money?

Also any other programmers you guys recommend? Would you trust all those programmers that are on ebay?

blnkstar, I thought GTP stopped offering it's firmware. If you have a free version could you post the hex? I'm here in Santiago, Chile and when I went to the Spanish site of GTP he says, "don't send me an email asking for firmware I won't send it to you." they used to sell the chip preprogrammed but I can't seem to find how or where to get it.
eleceng You can always build a Junebug, he sells a kit for about $50. The guy who designed it helps me all the time and I didn't even buy his stuff. I spent $10 buying the parts to build it.
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you can find the firmaware at, but the sadness thing, you can't use their new software.

If you want to build usb programmer and the firmware that always available, the pk2 is the right choice
The hex file on that site seems to have some errors. Have you used it recently? I tried to burn it and got some fuse errors. But it could always be the programmer that I am using to burn it.
jeremygaughan said:
The hex file on that site seems to have some errors. Have you used it recently? I tried to burn it and got some fuse errors. But it could always be the programmer that I am using to burn it.

Jeremy, i've try to burn the hex code, i;m using meLabs u2 programmer. Everything is fine. But i never to build the project. I think your programmer have problem.

The other usb programmer with easy to build is brenner, try this url **broken link removed**

If you still get the error, may be you got problem with your programmer.
Sorry - non-English deleted - Moderator Pretty bad German but it's been a few years. So I'll just look for another way to program a 18f2550. Maybe a JDM could work to get my 18f2550 working.
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Thanks for the advice.

However, I am really new to all of this.

How do I make my own? Where to get parts, instructions, software?

All advice is appreciated.

eleceng said:
Thanks for the advice.

However, I am really new to all of this.

How do I make my own? Where to get parts, instructions, software?

All advice is appreciated.


Follow the link that i;ve posting for gtp usb, or brenner programmer. You will get instructions and software in their website.

You can find all parts from your local electronics store, it's not hard to find components. Or you can make order online from internet
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