Pictures of the week

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New Member
Hi everybody,

here is a selection of interesting pictures of this week.

1. Election: Afghanistan citizens have to dunk their index finger into grey (UV activated) paint to avoid multiple votes.

2. Hiroshima: People think of the victims of the nuclear bomb releasing floating candles to comfort the souls of the death.

3. Ketchup: 400 tons of tomatoes were used to flood the street in Spain for fun.

4. Pandas: That's how newly born pandas look like.

5. Pear: A chinese farmer got the idea to change the shape of pears.

6. Pumpkin: this example is close to 400kg and has a circumference of 4m. Grown where? What a question! In Germany.

7. Say Sorry: A 84 year old japanese women addressed the smoke signal to the government asking for excuse for having her forced to serve as a prostitute for the armed forces during WWII.

8. Well brushed: Every farmer knows: Well brushed is halfway milked. This cow activated the automatic brushes by stepping up to them.

9. WWII Ammo: This bundle of ammo was found splitting a tree. Obviously the ammo had been hidden in a hole during the last days of WWII and the tree grew around the shells. Found where? Again Germany.




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  • Say-Sorry.gif
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  • WWII-Ammo.gif
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