Capacitively couple the piezo output to the comparator circuit.
Use eg. 10K to 0V from both inputs, and a something like one megohm from negative input to positive power, to put a small offset between the inputs and set a trigger threshold.
Then use two schottky diodes, from the input capacitor to each comparator input - so the positive input sees a positive edge, and a negative edge goes to the negative input.
That should give you a positive pulse from either polarity signal.
However, from experience with piezo discs as sensors, the output will be several volts for even a moderate input.
I've used them with just load & series resistor and diode direct to PIC ADC inputs, no active processing at all.
I believe you could just feed the piezo, with a load resistor across it and protection diodes to supply & ground, to the input of such as a 74HC14 schmitt trigger as well as an ADC input, and the output of the HC14 to an input capture set to trigger on either edge.