Pin Configuration Fresenius hemodialysis series bibag conductivity sensor

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I was expected to use the Fresenius hemodialysis series bibag conductivity sensor to measure the conductivity of water, but I didn't find any reference about using this sensor.

In the test, the sensor is connected to the Analog Device EVAL-CN0359-EB1Z as a display of the conductivity. I've tried various pin configurations, but I'm still not sure because the conductivity results obtained from both are very different from testing using a probe-type conductivity sensor.

What is the correct pin configuration of the sensor?

It could be a three electrode cell, or two electrode plus a temperature sensor.

However, it appears to be a high range sensor for an electrolyte solution, rather than a water purity sensor?

It could be an inductive type, in that case? If so, there would presumably be two combinations of wires that show connectivity to the coils.
That would need a totally different interface to an electrode-type cell.
One coil is driven and the other sensed. The signal level at the sense coil increases with higher conductivity.

A wet sensor with electrodes should show no connectivity between the probe wires and other connections.
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