When pushing the switch, things get violent, I mean the valves operate in a wickedly fierce manner. And it all happens so fast, I'd have to say that the motors are almost certainly hitting there stall speed as the plunger reaches either it's full retracted or extended position stopping the motor dead in it's tracks.
When I couldn't get a current reading on my meter, I decided to play around with some fuses, 5, 8, 10 and 15 amps, the only ones I had. Everyone of them blew except the 15 amp, so it would seem that it's somewhere between 10 and 15 amps.
I've got another sort of a Toy piece of equipment, it appears to be a 'Teaching' version of an oscilloscope, and quite honestly I don't really know how to properly use the thing. Is there any chance I could set it up to catch a trace over time of the of the current draw?