Why is it called pizza?
High school: freshman year: Algebra I.
Part of learning algebra was learning the grammar and syntax of manipulating numerical relationships, as opposed to just counting stuff. Early on, we learned that it was OK to drop out multiplication signs (x's) in some situations. For example, 2 x a x b could be written 2ab. For a number that was raised to a power (squared, cubed, etc.), the preferred notation was to use a superscript. But *technically*, you could write b-squared as bb.
Also in Algebra I: pi. Defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, it is a transcendental number with an infinite number of decimal places. If you have a circle with a radius "r", the area of the circle is pi times the square of the radius: pi x r-squared. Fun fact: The ratio of the Great Pyramid's perimeter to its height is exactly 2 x pi, even though the ancient Egyptians has no concept of pi.
High school: sophomore year: Geometry:
The equation/formula for the volume of a cylinder involves its height, its radius, and pi.
Which brings us here . . .
Usually, a pizza is round. And, from a cracker crust to Chicago-style, it has some thickness. Thus, a whole pizza is a short, wide cylinder. Let's call the thickness "a" and the radius of the circle "z". Then, the volume of a pizza is
a x z x z x pi
Remove the x's and rearrange the terms, and you see that the volume of a pizza is -- pizza.