PLc Problem

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New Member
i have a filling machine problem, the machine filling 3 bottles in same time
it should have some elements in the work like in picture .... i have this problem from 2 weeks but nothing from my trying is succeed .
im a new plc user i was using microcontroller
pls can any one help me to solve this problem and how the ladder diagram can use the IF statement
also how can i start with solving problems in plc coz i start to solve this problem with flowchart but .......not the same thing
is there any basic flowchart for plc or away for solving problems
in plc
in the attach file
x in\put
y out\put
and what is the diffirent between micro c and ladder


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i have a filling machine problem, the machine filling 3 bottles in same time
it should have some elements in the work like in picture .... i have this problem from 2 weeks but nothing from my trying is succeed .
How about posting your tryings here? That way, there is a chance that your problem get identified.

im a new plc user i was using microcontroller
And as you see, it's two different worlds

pls can any one help me to solve this problem and how the ladder diagram can use the IF statement
An IF statement for plc is shown by one adress, where the path divides into two underlaying adresses (active adresses). The most basic "if statement" is a simple AND gate into each cell (address), where one of them is inverted.

The best method is to first draw the flow chart. Then the ladder diagram. If that is too difficult, you can always also draw the addresses, containing logical gates before drawing ladder diagram.
I don't understand your problem or your diagram. Maybe if you specify the available inputs, outputs and behaviour it may be easier to help you.
I don't understand your problem or your diagram. Maybe if you specify the available inputs, outputs and behaviour it may be easier to help you.

this machine is look like this one YouTube - asdo4i's Channel
but I'm trying to make it a full automatic control
I finished the mechanical system but still the control side in work.....

X0 =C0
X1 = C1
x4,x5 limit SW
X1 count 3 then Y1=1,Y0=0

then X0 count 3 then Y0=1 And Y4=1 ---> T0 : activate by X5 until 30 sec after that Y4=0 until X4=1-----> Y4=off

another Q how can i make a 1. loop and an 2.initial condition
like ta say y0=0 y1=1, y4=0


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Sorry, your first image showed the whole process! I was using google chrome and it wasn't animated.

I don't think you need a loop. As for initial conditions, you can set that using the first scan/cycle contact (which is #YSYS.SCAN1 for Kingfisher devices PC10/11; you'll likely find it in the manual)
I've attached a ladder logic diagram for the process as I understand it. I take it that Y4 stays on for as long as the filling is taking place? I didn't see a return coil for Y4.


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thank you but i have at this time a DELTA PLC and the my prb until now is there an initial conditions in the DELTA and how to write it
i make a misstake when i decide to work withe delta plc but this is what i have these days
regards RAMI
Try reading the [programming] manual; I would think it would be in there.
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