Please convert this in HEX

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IT's microbasic is with you need
I have pro I'll see if it will build in it.

Like I said I have the pro it wouldn't build for 16f84a I change it to 16f628A which has more ram for the table and it built


    1.6 KB · Views: 147
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IT's microbasic is with you need
I have pro I'll see if it will build in it.

Like I said I have the pro it wouldn't build for 16f84a I change it to 16f628A which has more ram for the table and it built
just if you missed it re read post 3
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IT's microbasic is with you need
I have pro I'll see if it will build in it.

Like I said I have the pro it wouldn't build for 16f84a I change it to 16f628A which has more ram for the table and it built
Thanks,But now I must use PIC16F628 instead PIC16F84,because I already have pic16f84A chip?
And sorry for not reading your post.
mregards macobt
Thanks,But now I must use PIC16F628 instead PIC16F84,because I already have pic16f84A chip?
And sorry for not reading your post.
mregards macobt

Your in luck i found a copy mikrobasic and it built for 16f84a and didn't run it out of ram like the pro did

This hex zip is for 16f84a it's called the


    1.8 KB · Views: 144
Your in luck i found a copy mikrobasic and it built for 16f84a and didn't run it out of ram like the pro did

This hex zip is for 16f84a it's called the
Thanks again friend,I am gona try this when I built the clock.
Best Regards
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