I'm still not clear where the relay is connected.
Here is the schematic for the voltage reducer. The output voltage is Vbatt * R2 / (R1 + R2) - 0.6 V.
The current taken by the resistors will be Vbatt / (R1 + R2). With the ratios that you are wanting, R2 will dissipate more power than R1. R2 will dissipate R2 * (Vbatt / (R1 + R2)^2
The output voltage will reduce slightly depending on the current taken by the display. If G is the gain of the transistor, and the display takes a current of I, the voltage will drop by:- I / G * R1 * R2 / ( R1 + R2 )
You can try various values for R1 and R2. To reduce the voltage by 25%, R2 will be three times the value of R1.
If R1 and R2 are too low, they will take too much current and get too hot. If R1 and R2 are too large, the voltage will reduce too much from the current taken by the display.