Please help break the cascaded boost?

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Well-Known Member
Can anyone show this cascaded boost LTspice sim, going faulty such that the mid_level voltage goes above 80V?
(Ie adjust the sim, or put in some conditions in the sim which bring that about)

In the attached cascaded booster ltspice sim i managed to "hack" it so the mid rail goes up to 68vpk....normal is 58v...but cant get it any higher than just cant break the thing......why is a research paper even needed for it?...its just literally 2 boosters "joined at the hip">


  • Boost CASCADED_bad.asc
    10.6 KB · Views: 284
  • Boost CASCADED.asc
    10.7 KB · Views: 263
I removed most of the parts on the right side. Coupled the two inductors to make a transformer.
There are things not right yet, but this shows the same waveforms with only one IC and transistor.
Thanks, and the mid rail is the rail between the output rail, and the input rail.
Also, thanks at RonSimpson, this looks great...i will look into it more, and the effect of leakage L in there.
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