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New Member

i need help from you people in concern with the robot i m building.i am totally blank about robots and this is the first one. i want to make a robot which can be controlled sitting on PC. i have lot of problems.

1.) i am not able to transfer images from robot camera to PC --- i want to transfer images using some wireless system.

2.) i want to use Visual Basic to make software to control robot. but i have not enough knowledge about Visual Basic on how to do such things.

please help me out. i will be very thankfull to you friends...kindly give me your mail ID also so that i can be in touch through mails directly...

To transfer images from robot to PC, use web-cam with a wireless link. You should not have any problems with that as long as you set the transmitter and receiver to the same frequency.

I know very little of image processing, but I would suggest using Java or C++ as opposed to VB. There are image processing libraries for both of these languages, but I'm not sure if there is one for VB. For the beginning, I would recommend that you play around with some image thresholding algorithms.
Firstly you should have a c++ progrm which will give you an access to the controls of the robot. you should be clear about the design of the robot and what you would like it to do. since this is the frst one ,i suggest you just restrict yourself to the movements and try and build a small car. mount your motor circuit onto a pcb, choose a strong casing for it so that it can withstand any force or pressure from any side and ultimately connect the robot to the computer using the same type of cables whch u see behind the cpu(i'm not sure of what they're called.)
it seems ..... u have just jumped into the middle of robotics without any prep..... u sud first learn to control the motions.... then ision is one of the most complecated things in robotics.....
u make a wheeled robot first and control it through a parallel port. that is pretty easy and a 1st step in robotics. u will get plenty of help in that in the net. type key words "micromouse projects".... n u ll get what u want...
You could always use a PIC microcontroller. In my view, a PIC16F84 would be ideal. You would need to invest in a PIC programmer, but well worth it.

If you're not sure what PIC is, do some research on the web.

Basically, you can program a 16F84 to accept RS232 (serial port) commands and produce an output, ie.: drive motors, relays etc.

If you're not big on programming, C++ is probably a bit scary. I would stick to your first idea of using VB. There are also plenty of OCX's out there that can handle video.

You can use SERSEN04.DLL in VB to send commands directly to the PIC via your serial port. See **broken link removed** for a simple example app that sends characters down the serial port.

Heres a simular project

Hope this is helpful,


Hi there,

May be u can get more info on VB programming at the site below,

free 8)
free1 said:
Don't you think it's rather pointless posting replies to a 9 month old thread!. Particularly as you seem to simply post the same series of web addresses to them all!.

Hi there,

As U said it's a "9 month old thread", why the website admin still keep thsi posting and people still can reply/quote it?

free :?:[/quote]

Posts aren't deleted due to age, so a historical record is available, which may be useful.

However, your continual posts advertising the same website is bordering on spamming! - particularly when you're doing so in such old posts.

So please refrain from doing so, or we may be forced to delete your posts, and ask the administrator to block any firther posts!.

Nigel Goodwin, moderator.
pc based robot

it is easy to handle printer port via c programming than any other language so use that to get better results
Re: pc based robot

Elektor said:
it is easy to handle printer port via c programming than any other language so use that to get better results

It's no easier than in any other language, both BASIC and Pascal provide just as good access as C - for that matter it's easy to do in assembler as well.
As long as you understand basic programming concept/theory it shouldn't be hard to implement in different languages. Arguing that something should be programmed in one language over another is pointless. Although I do not like VB I would not tell someone with obvious inexperiance to switch from what they want to learn to another thing which will probably turn them off from the entire software side of computing.

I think compleating this task in python would both save time and be interesting but no matter what language is chosen the programmer will need to understand programming theory better then the original poster seems to.

Lesson to be learned: If you understand the basic concepts of programming, language of implantation becomes a minor issue.
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