Please Help To Identify This LCD

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Hi Guys.

Can anyone help me with information on this LCD display. I've salvaged a few of these from recycled office equipment and would like to be able to use them. I'm sorry about the focus on the pictures but I don't have a close up function on the camera.

They are similar to the Hitachi standard though the I believe the electronics is actually under the display unit. As the boards these were connected to had only simple electronics e.g. a few 74 type logic chips and a few button type switches I believe these are display modules as opposed to just a bare LCD display.

The main difference from the Hitachi that I notice is that these have only 14 pins where the Hitachi has 16.

The small white label on the board has the following on it.

RH6 - 306B
1022 01S

I have tried a google to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated.


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They look like Hitachi nock offs to me, Who knows what the extra pins are, maybe a backlight? Be brave, use a pair of plyers to twist those tabs on the back flat so you can remove the LCD unit, to see what's under there, they pop right off. Getting one back on in exactly the right spot so it works again might be slightly more tricky, but worse case you lose one unit. If you have something that uses a Hitachi LCD try slapping one of these on to see if it works.
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They look like a bog standard Hitachi type LCD, 14 pins is what they usually have - 16 pin ones use the extra two pins for a backlight.

List of connections, and a quite similar looking picture, in my tutorials.
Thanks for your replies. It was mainly the pins that I was worried about I will connect one up to a PIC and see what happens. I'll let you know the results.


P.S. Nigel, That was the Hitachi that I was looking at when I noticed the pin difference.
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Yes, 14 pins normally, 16 pins for a backlit version.

It's EXTREMELY rare to come across such a display that isn't Hitachi compatible.
A little unusual in there is no customary black blobs on back plane, someone had a different idea apparently on pcb design.
like rmntec said it's probably underneath the LCD module itself. I have at least three different designs of those modules.

Nigel, just couldnt help notice that is a nice site you have there.
Looks like lots of good information for everyone.

Take care for now...
Hi guys.

I finally got round to testing a few of these displays and they do seem to be Hitachi types so now I will have to find an interesting project or two to use them.
Hi guys.

I finally got round to testing a few of these displays and they do seem to be Hitachi types.

Of course they are - I've only ever seen one that wasn't - which I've got sat at home. It came from a friend who was using it on his university degree project years back, long before Hitachi types came out.

Not seem him for years though, last time I did he was working writing software for guided missiles
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