Please help with Oscilater

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I dont understand how to put a crystal into a circuit.could someone please help me.Something small like a 2 transistor oscilater timed bye a crystal. needs to output 2 volts if possable if not then just help me understand how this is dun...ive tried everthing???
What frequency is the crystal? I have tried to make 32768 hz crystals oscillate with no sucess, so I use higher frequency and divide down.

This oscilater is for sending data to a smartcard and has to be acurate.perfect timing..doesent matter what crystal but around 9600 of bits i may be wrong.but i have the crystals needed i just dont no how to hook them up ill be building the whole circuit...How to do this???
What is the crystal frequency, is it series or parallel resonant, and if parallel, what is the shunt capacitance? What frequency do you want at the oscillator output? The circuit below is a typical parallel resonant crystal oscillator. The value for C is double the specified shunt capacitance.


  • osc_902.jpg
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