please kick start me :-)

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I've just received my very own PicKit 2 programmer and am dying to see something working. so lets say flashing leds just to be original lol
can somebody post or link me to the program needed and the circuit diagram I intend using the 16F88, does the pic have to be totally isolated from the circuit when programed ?
yea I saw nigels tutorial and think I might try following it through but I only have 16F88 and 18F1220 and 18F1230 pics so was wondering if the programs will run ok on the 16F88
Of course it is working, but you need to do some modification.
Since PIC16F88 is full of features, one configuration setting is not enough, remember to have two configuration for that.
Besides the comparator, it has built in ADC as well. By default, some pins are analog input pins, so you have to make them to be digital I/O first before doing any digital controlling.
ok perhaps I just make myself a new email address and get some more samples orders off right now as I've already ordered the above pics for the next 35 odd days
Go to Wouter's "Blink an LED" site. Quick and easy hex files for many PICs, with circuit diagrams. The source code is in JAL language though. It's a decent language (a little like Pascal), but not officially supported by MPLAB. Hmm... I wonder if I could integrate it... Aha! There's tonight's project.
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Thunderchild said:
ok perhaps I just make myself a new email address and get some more samples orders off right now as I've already ordered the above pics for the next 35 odd days
No, you shouldn't do that.
PIC16F88 is the most powerful 18 pins PIC among the 16F (for me). Just stick with what you have.
erm yes but I know nothing about programing and need tgo start simple then move on
suppose nigel used what he did for a good reason
Thunderchild said:
erm yes but I know nothing about programing and need tgo start simple then move on
suppose nigel used what he did for a good reason
The other PICs are no more "simple" than the F88. Every model has its own differences you'll need to learn.
Ok, here you go:
Instead of
	__config	0xxxxx

	movlw	0x07
	movwf	CMCON

	__config	_CONFIG1,	0xxxxx
	__config	_CONFIG2,	0xxxxx

	bsf	STATUS,	RP0	;to select bank1
	clrf	ANSEL		;disable the analog inputs
	movlw	0x07
	movwf	CMCON

	bcf	STATUS,	RP0	;select bank0
The xxxx you have to find out yourself from the datasheet.
The rest of them should be the same.
Thunderchild said:
erm yes but I know nothing about programing and need tgo start simple then move on
suppose nigel used what he did for a good reason

It was to avoid confusion, and the complications of extra facilities - the 16F88 is fine to use, and only very small changes are required.
Thunderchild said:
ok so are the edits bananasiong posted suitable the xxxxx what is that that I am looking for ?

Looks like it (on a quick glance), obviously you need to fill the x's with the config settings you want.
ok by xxxxx that I want what is actually meant ? does this set the pic functions so what functions do I want ? (obviously not ADC)
right so pages 18 onwards of the 16F87/88 datasheet have varios registers which are the ones I am concerned with ?
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