PLL config.

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New Member
pls help!!!!
a configuration for a phase lock loop circuit using the XR2206 function gen.
radio class assignment
Okay, I am confused, the XR2206 is not a PLL, are you asking how to use a 2206 chip or a PLL, or do you want to use a 2206 as the clock for a PLL and then my question would be why? A more stable TCXO would be a better choice for a clock.
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Okay, I am confused, the XR2206 is not a PLL, are you asking how to use a 2206 chip or a PLL, or do you want to use a 2206 as the clock for a PLL and then my question would be why? A more stable TCXO would be a better choice for a clock.
XR2206 can be used as the VCO in a frequency-agile PLL.
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