pls help... about sensor

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New Member
pls give me some topic,types or example about sensor... any types of sensor... more topics, types and examples much better... thanks
y0h101 said:
pls give me some topic,types or example about sensor... any types of sensor... more topics, types and examples much better... thanks

This is one of those posts that will likely get little attention because you can get much more information from a couple of google searches than any cares to type into a message on here. Try

Some sensors and example applications.

1) Thermocouple - for measuring temperature of say car radiator.
2) Microphone - for speech input to be modulated and broadcast over FM stereo.
3) Strain Gauge - for measuring small weight like a milligram scale.
4) Photodetector - for measuring power and wavelength content of light input.
5) Coil of wire! - Metal detectors, radio frequency pickup sniffers..
6) Pyroelectric - Measuring changes in background IR spectrum.

google some of these for many more example applications that I have not listed.
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