pls help...trigger circuit

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Apply an SCR phase-control techniques to implement an automatic lamp dimmer

Design the circuit so that the lamp gradually lights up to full brightness. At that point, lamp suddenly turns off and the cycle repeats thereafter every 4 seconds. The C is used to supply the requirement of the trigger circuit

pls!!! i need all the help that i can get...BIG THANKS!!!

pls check attachment for the illustration..thanks!


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Aw, c'mon, you want *us* to do *your* homework?? Really, you'll get 0.1 point for cheek :lol: from me.
Try that, go to Google ( and type the words:

automatic light dimmer circuit

in the search box.
You will find enough info there among the results to answer your questions.
Good luck,
i'm just asking for ideas

i'm not asking you guys to do our homework...i'm just hoping that you can give me some ideas...of what kind of trigger circuit can we implement to obtain our objective...actually, i have already downloaded files about light dimmer circuit, but if you have seen the attached file, you would realized that there is no way that i can implement those circuits...thanks anyway!!!
You can do it easily using a microcontroller. Search for "PIC Lamp Dimmer" on google. It would be better if you use a TRIAC insted of SCR.
thank you but...

guys...i cant use a PIC for our professor never wants us to...and i really have to use the SCR...i really appreciate all your help!!!
idea about staircase generator

guys, remember the trigger circuit? well, we are still not done with it...i've browse the internet about staircase generator as 1 of my options to dim my bulb, but still as i construct the circuit, it never really works...i don't know what s wrong...will all you be kind enough to provide me with a great staircase generator? pls...i really need your help...BIG THANKS!!!
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