plz clik the link that is all i ask

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New Member
This post has been moderated by kinjalgp.
Reason: Off-topic contents.
i know it is not what the board is for

but i raelay need people to click on the link thans for every one that signed up plese keep cliking people
I can't imagine that you 'need' people to click the link - if you do, you should give people the courtesy of explaining why. Even on the page reached by the link, it says:

If you reached this page via a link in an IRC or Chat channel, a message board or forum where the link to this page would be considered off topic, please close this page now.

This forum has ALOT of postings. Its hard enough to find ones that interest you, and even harder to find posts that you can usefully contribute to. This task becomes almost impossible when people start filling up the forum with completely unrelated junk.

Please, respect what this forum is all about. Some of us want to use it properly.
it is for a online role playing game and it lets me make more money
thanks for any one that clicks the link if admin wants to remove thred then i will let him if not then can you plese stop bugging me about it
Just a suggestion, if you really want people to click on your mystery link you should include the reason in the first post and strive to use good grammar and spelling.

In any case, the rules of KoC state that "Posting your link in chat rooms, newsgroups, message boards, or forums unless it is explicitly allowed by the owner/operator of the chat room, newsgroup, message board, forum, etc.." is not allowed. Considering that this is the "Electronics Projects Design/Ideas/Reviews" forum and I could find no post from a moderator or administrator explicitly allowing this type of link distribution, I felt it was justified to report you to KoC spam report section. Whether or not your post is in violation of Electro Tech online's rules, it is in violation of KoC's rules.
dstich said:
and it lets me make more money

That is the bit shows it should deffinatly not be here. People put alot of time and effort into this board. You shouldn't abuse it by trying to make money out of it. Its just not fair.

Nigel Goodwin said:
Certainly if I had moderator rights here, I would have deleted the post!.

I can't understand why it hasn't been deleted yet (I can't find any way of reporting the post to the moderators, do we just wait till one of them sees it...?)
I can't understand why it hasn't been deleted yet (I can't find any way of reporting the post to the moderators, do we just wait till one of them sees it...?)

Try a PM to electromaster or kinjalgp
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