plz verify the circuit....(eagle)

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New Member
hello i have drawn the schematic in eagle can anyone plz verify whether i have done it correct or not...plzz

i have attached the eagle schematic (.sch)
plz help me....


    232.2 KB · Views: 338
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Which would you like us to look at, the schematic (.sch) or the image? Would you like comments on whether it is a good piece of work in Eagle? On whether it is likely to work if you build it? Or something else?

In future, you'll get more responses if you just attach an image, not a ZIP file. People will be more likely to look at it.
There is definitely an attachment, but kp2010 needs to tell us what he expects help with. If he doesn't, there isn't much we can do.
Well lets see. To start with, pin 6 needs to go to pin 2 of the 555. For the no blink jumper you should use the reset pin 4. connect a 10k resistor from pin 4 to Vcc as a pullup. Your RA/RB ratio looks weird, what frequency are you hoping to get? Lastly, you can not drive 40 LED's with a 2N3904.
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