from Boncuk
I studied your website thoroughly and couldn't find my schematic or parts thereof being published under "find the mistake".
That proves to me that you are a liar!
You will find your circuit on page 10 of "Spot the Mistake" on my website.
from Boncuk
Besides that I would prosecute you publishing my designs without my permission! Publishing circuits in the forum does not automatically mean they are public to any person in the world to be distributed.
Producing a circuit that has not been tried, from a person that does not even have a 4107 IC, is a bit of a surprise.
from Boncuk
Your arrogance proves to me that you are a school teacher having learnt electronics from books without ever having soldered a circuit to function as proposed.
I have serviced over 35,000 electronic appliances: TV's, stereos, written 25 books on electronics, sold over 500,000 copies and designed all the circuits in my books, I think I have a little to offer in the way of saying a simple circuit using a 4017, will not work.
from Boncuk
Concerning the circuit I suggested a voltage divider improves the no-go voltage from 310 to 300mV, while 310mV is clearly below the base voltage required to allow current flow from emitter to collector of the transistor.
I even added a second 1N914 in the base connection which won't do anything except increasing part count.
I really don't know what you are talking about.
from Boncuk
You should know that you ordered 10,000 pieces of my circuit publically! If I take you by the word I will deliver and charge any price coming on my mind! (And I will receive payment as already indicated by my lawyer, if necessary to the extend of your personal bankrupt).
Ordering 10,000 items does not form a contract. There is no price, no delivery date and no method of payment. You must have a very peculiar lawyer in Thailand if he thinks a request for 10,000 items can be delivered AT ANY PRICE and then send the recipient into bankruptcy.
from Boncuk
You haven't invented anything till now.
If I haven't invented anything till now, how did I manage to make millions out of selling my own products?
On top of this, the other electronics magazines were reading my work "to the letter" to find anything, anywhere, that had been copied, to send me into bankruptcy.
They then resorted to bringing out another magazine, in direct opposition to mine, at a lower price. They then flooded the market with twice the number of copies.
After two years they gave up.
Their editor rang me saying: “you have won the day.”
Don’t you think I have a little knowledge in the way of producing a circuit?
I have really finished with this issue.
Your circuit does not work. I have written it up on my site to warn others not to rely on Simulation Software, and I have got on with other things.
The first thing I suggest you do is buy a 4017 IC
Colin Mitchell
Talking Electronics