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As crazy as it might seem.....Old TV Tech really enjoys his Friends here.

We mostly talk the same Language....and we absolutely understand each other.

Technical stuff and correct Technical advise is an art. Gotta have been there before and actually DONE IT. No Degrees necessary. Experience is all.

Now I am rambling on.

But you know what, this site is Blessed with the likes of Eric...who is a retired EE. Facts only.
But you know what, this site is Blessed with the likes of Nigel too. Technical Guru of note with TV's and Facts only too.
But you know what, this site is Blessed with the likes of Ian. Digital and all Facts only too.

Brilliant team.

Three Mods only. And a good bunch of people that Regularly visit here.

I am one of them. Proud to say I a am ETO member. Good place......good people.

With that......Outta here.

Time to eat and sleep. Again.

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Well TV, you seem to be in a jovial mood this evening, especially in view of the wailing and gnashing of teeth which emanates from S Africa in the past couple of days.

When that guy gets put up in court...
...he won't have a leg to stand on!

Well TV, you seem to be in a jovial mood this evening, especially in view of the wailing and gnashing of teeth which emanates from S Africa in the past couple of days.

When that guy gets put up in court...
...he won't have a leg to stand on!


Hi Jim

A very sad state of affairs when something like this happens and the Press is not helping by speculating.

Oscar was a Hero to many people the World over. He overcame his physical disability and all to gain the admiration of people around the globe. A winner and champion. A person to aspire too. A person that proved that even if you are born with physical disabilities..you can still still be the best....

What happened that morning of 14 Feb 2013 will no doubt come out in his trial. His girlfriend is dead. Shot 4 times through the bathroom door.

And she was loved by all that knew her. Beautiful woman and successful too: **broken link removed**


Ask yourself this: If you were a champion like Oscar, who overcame incredible odds to be the best...would you knowingly murder someone knowing you will destroy everything you worked extra hard at to achieve in life and end up on Death Row........something is totally wrong here.

I believe some other crap happened that night/morning. Hopefully, the SAP will investigate THOROUGHLY...no lost documents and all other things that normally happen.

May the truth prevail. RIP Reeva.

God Bless,
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