possession of explosives

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My big capacitor bank holds 10 kilojoules.
I want to carry out some exploding wire experiments.
Could I possibly be arrested for possession of explosives?
I would think explosives would constitute some sort of chemicals,If someone were to arrest you do you think they would have a clue as to what they were looking at :?
A couple of years ago some nasty devices were found and defused.
I was interviewed by the police as having the knowledge to make them.
So they know me.
I also live next door to the police station.
There are these treestumps that have to go.......
An interesting thread, check out the Sam Baros - Powerlabs site for "exploding water" experiments, merely vapourising a length of wire with a capcitor bank could hardly be considered an explosive device.
spuffock said:
My big capacitor bank holds 10 kilojoules.
I want to carry out some exploding wire experiments.
Could I possibly be arrested for possession of explosives?

No, it's not an explosive!.

You may be arrested for having a dangerous device though 8)
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