Possibility of serial communication in the cell phones that have usb connector

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I need to know that a cell phone with USB cable like Nokia 5220 could have a connection with computer com port? I found the pinout of this cell phone , it has TX & RX, can I use them for serial communication & send/receive the AT-Commands
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Many Nokia phones have a simple serial (RS232 type) interface, the USB part is just the special converter lead that you use.

There are MANY websites explaining how to do what you want with Nokia phones.
Many Nokia phones have a simple serial (RS232 type) interface, the USB part is just the special converter lead that you use.

There are MANY websites explaining how to do what you want with Nokia phones.

Hi dear,

thanks for your answer , is the meaning of your answer using a buffer IC like MAX232 for this connection?

i see many of nokia cell phones pinout & most of them have TX/RX pins in the backside , but in many forums that i searched for my question ( connection of cell phone to microcontroller or pc ) persons offer the ancient cell phones like ericsson T10 / T20 /... for this target , can you explain this for me
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A MAX232 if you want to connect to a PC.

excuse me , do you know the answer of my second question :i see many of nokia cell phones pinout & most of them have TX/RX pins in the backside , but in many forums that i searched for my question ( connection of cell phone to microcontroller or pc ) persons offer the ancient cell phones like ericsson T10 / T20 /... for this target , can you explain this for me ?

Most sites I've seen use the Nokia phones - have a search for 'fbus'

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