Post your desktop theme

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New Member
I got rather bored tonight so i decided to change the look of my desktop to something different, its a psp/ps3(Playstation Station) theme, tell me what you think and post your own, so we can see how creative you are.


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I have action hotdog for my background. Theme is nothing special.


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Not really a theme per se, but not just eye candy either. I've been addicted to multiple desktops for years, but Compiz/Beryl made them even easier to work with. Flipping back and forth is seamless now and I can get a bird's-eye view of
what's where on my system.

Using single-desktop systems like Windows now makes me feel claustrophobic. You do need a machine with a decent graphics card and enough memory to run all those apps though.



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I don't have a theme really, but I have attached my current wall paper.

Lake Michigan on a windy day in October.


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I have a friend that has Beryl. That alone made me want to switch to Linux.

I also have 2 monitors hooked up to my main desktop. Over break I didn't have enough room for the CRT (just my LCD) so I went single monitor. I felt so cramped.

My desktop is currently from -- dual monitor island scene. I think the single monitor is available for free download.
my box in the lab has two screens, a 17" and a 20", both big arse crts. before xmas I bought a cheapie 22" lcd for my gamer and it's turned out to be pretty solid. I'm considering grabbing two for the lab once I get some other stuff paid off.
My current desktop is a picture of a little creek near my daughter's house in Georgia. I took it last May while on a hike with my grandkids.


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well here is mine
Linux with Openbox for the window manager fbpanel for the ... panel xfce backend for the likes of automount and filemanager, conky for stats urxt for terminal

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theinfamousbob said:
You mean you don't have a Nintendo NES?

Shame on you!

We had one, but it died. I don't have the money to buy another one on ebay at the moment, so an emulator is the next best thing.
Here's mine.

I don't like fancy backgrounds or special effects.

I always set the menu and task bars to autohide as they clutter up the screen.


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That is so sad. That is like preferring a meadow that is just plain soil, no grass, trees, flowers, birds, insects etc., or preferring a circuit board with no tracks or components. How can nothingness be your preference?

Bloody hell, I'm starting to sound like a girl!!


he has a point. The desktop area is for use by applications. Docks and all are for user-interface convience.

That is why I like Openbox for my window manager, everything is done via a right-click menu on the desktop. I have fbpanel installed because while my wife likes and is at home in linux, she still kinda needs a panel
Hero999 said:
Here's mine.

I don't like fancy backgrounds or special effects.

I always set the menu and task bars to autohide as they clutter up the screen.

I think a hero should have a hero background, the blue is ok if your not in hero mode!!!


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Hero, that looks very much like the blue screen of death!

Come to think of it, the blue screen of death would make a nice geeky background, lol

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