Post your desktop theme

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Close, it's in the Lake district.

It was taken standing on Skiddaw looking over Keswick towards Derwent Water.
Close, it's in the Lake district.

It was taken standing on Skiddaw looking over Keswick towards Derwent Water.

And I think I was with you there and Andy ? I'll have to send out some pics when I've finished moving, I got all the people pictures up but left the landscapes for a more detailed processing later
Yes, that's the picture, I took with you there.

I'm surprised at how well it's turned out, considering it's a cheap, 5 year old Lidl camera.
Well it might not be technically very good but I like it.

Anyway, I thought it was only overcast in the foreground and was clear ahead which is why the distant mountains are so brightly illuminated.

When you've processed yours I'd like to have it, if it's better than mine I'll change my desktop to it.

I'd like to have a PNG, if possible, my camera only does JPG, still you can hardly see the compression, despite it going through a JPG code three times, once on the camera and twice on my PC, well I suppose the quality is at 95%, which explains it.
JPG hold ups pretty well if not done insane amounts of time and/or with low quality compression. I use camera RAW format that I then convert to TIFF or PNG now that TIFF can be zipped compressed and most importantly windoz can preview it I tend to prefer it as it compresses faster and smaller
I'd post mine, but it's simply the standard "bliss" backdrop, approximately 70% obscured by icons....
Don't tell me you use the horrible default luna theme too?

That's easy to change.

There's a patch you can download and apply to uxtheme.dll which enables you to use unsigned non-M$ approved custom themes.
Download UXTheme Patch For Windows XP SP2 Final - Now you can use any theme for Windows XP with SP2 Build 2180 - Softpedia

If you don't want to do that, there are other better M$ themes, Royale, Royale, Noir and Zune are all much better in my opinion.

Another option is luna silver which is still much better than the default scheme.
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