Posting attachments

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
I am having problems trying to attach images to posts.?

The image name flashes up for about a second then disappears.

Anyone else got this problem.?
I use Opera.

I've never had a problem with attachments but There are some comparability issues, clicking on a poster's name doesn't bring up a menu and for giving reputation I'm forced to temporarily switch to Firefox. It's not a problem most of the time but it can be inconvenient some times.
what browswer are you using eric?

hi EM,
Mozilla Firefox , I have not changed my browser for about 2 years.

The attachment problem started during yesterday [Wed]

I will try to attach here:

**broken link removed**

Just before I 'SAVE' the post the attachment name etc is showing.
When I press SAVE the name briefly shows then disappears.

Trying a different file to attach.


  • AAesp03..gif
    7.2 KB · Views: 311
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hi EM,
I have renamed the first file that would not show.

View attachment 39122

No, is dosn't like that file.


I have enclosed the name it shows in the CODE tags.
EDIT: it will not even display the file name, enclosed in the tags?

EM: I will try to attach other files to threads, as I go, let you know.
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hi EM,
I think I have discovered the problem, retrying.

Crap, no luck, I thought it was because of the file name starting with a number rather than an alpha character.

It must be that particular file, I rescanned the image and it posted OK in the OP's thread.View attachment 39125
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Could the file have been too large or maybe the extension wasn't familiar to vB, i.e. maybe it was .jpe rather than .jpg.
Could the file have been too large or maybe the extension wasn't familiar to vB, i.e. maybe it was .jpe rather than .jpg.

hi hero,
Its an old gif file I have posted a number of times before. [shows the 4027 f/f states].??

I displayed it on my screen, recaptured it and re-saved, now uploads OK. [Dont ask!]

Anyway... I thought you were supposed to be out job hunting...

Posting the Forums wont pay the bills, good luck with your applications.
EM, I've got the same problem.. Sometimes if I have to do both "copy image location" or "copy link location" to see whether it appeared. I'm using firefox.
Eric, can you please let me know the name of the file and if it has any special characters in it?

Will do.
Try them again as 'normal if that fails, I will zip them and post.

EDIT: they both failed, they are a *.jpg and *.gif of the same image.

Attempt to upload with the files in a folder.
It will not allow me to post a Folder.??


    223.6 KB · Views: 294
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it seems the files are encoded in a way that does not work on the forums.. I'll investigate further..

This seems to be a problem on all browsers..
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