Posting attachments

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I didn't have a problem opening the zip file.

The files uploaded all right, I'll now press the post button and edit my post depending on whether it works or not.

That's weird it doesn't work.
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I've tried saving both files in The Gimp.

This time the previews were displayed so it looks more hopeful.


It works.

What program did you use to edit the pictures and what options did you use when saving the files?


  • jkdfjh..jpg
    116 KB · Views: 309
  • ferjti8t..gif
    114.4 KB · Views: 316
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Eric, do you know what application created those images?

The 'original' *.jpg was created by using Paint Shop Pro and saved as 4027.jpg.

As the *.jpg are deemed to be 'fuzzy' I used ScreenHunter5 to grab the Paint Shop Window and saved as 4027.gif.

I have earlier posted many files in jpg [ as these were 'fuzzy,' I stopped using jpg] so for the last 18 months I have posted *.gif type files with no problems.

With ref the zipper I use its: "IZArc.exe", which I have used for about 2 years plus, no known problems.

Hope this helps.
Jpeg is only fuzzy if the quality setting is too low.

Because of the way the compression works, the fuzz is more noticeable on pictures which have sharp changes in colour such as schematics than on pictures with smooth colour transistions such as photographs.
JPEG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I use PNG for most of my schematics.
Jpeg is only fuzzy if the quality setting is too low.

It's fuzzy at any size worth having - however, for diagrams it's an absolutely terrible choice, poor quality and massive file sizes - using GIF or PNG gives 100% quality, at a fraction of the file size.
It isn't always that simple.

Take the attachments to my previous post for example, neither are fuzzy and the JPG is slightly smaller at 110KB than the GIF which is 116KB. The GIF is restricted to 8-bit colour depth but apart from that it's lossless, the JPG has a colour depth of 24-bit but some detail is lost, although it's insignificant as the the quality is set to 85%.

If size is a problem, save in PNG with a reduced colour depth and maximum compression.

I've reduced to 4-bit colour depth and the file size has halved to 50.5KB but the quality hasn't suffered because the image contains less than 16 colours. If you did a similar thing to a photograph they quality would seriously suffer.

I often save schematics in 4-bit or even 1-bit colour depth PNGs because the small files size uploads quickly and I accept that some people here might be on dialup.


  • 4027 tran table..png
    50.5 KB · Views: 318
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