postive edge triggered D flipflop

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In the above circuit if clock(CLK 1) goes from 0 to 1 and input D =0 ,this makes Q=0.
It is stated that when the clock is at HIGH(1) any further change in input does not affect output,how it is so .Can you explain me please.Thank you in advance


  • pe_d_flipflop.png
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To understand how the D flipflop works, you need to spend some time and investigate.
Put a label on all input and outputs and draw a timing diagram. I think only then you will be able to fully understand the principle.
I remember back nearly 40 years ago when a friend wrote a logic simulation program. The key was to assign a propagation delay. e.g. five iterations.

I think you can assign a value to the inputs and the outputs to whatever you want and then start stepping through. You cannot change the output of a gate until 5 iterations have gone past.

This is what I remember anyway.
Posting in multiple forums is not necessarily wrong, but...

If someone were to come to you and ask a question, and as you were giving them the answer they called someone else on the phone and asked the same question...
Would you be annoyed at the rudeness?
I would, I would just stop answering and walk away.

Should be strict rules against that.

And how would you go about enforcing such a rule? The only people that see such activities are those whose membership spans multiple forums. We don't pay the volunteer moderators enough to have them visiting the other electronic forums to see if a posting was already asked and/or answered in another related forum.

Cross posting has been around since the days of NNTP. There were multiple sci.electronics.* groups and some questions made their way into a few of the groups.

I choose to tell this group it was already answered so they didn't waste their time.
We don't pay the volunteer moderators enough to have them visiting the other electronic forums to see if a posting was already asked and/or answered in another related forum

I sometimes "peer over the fence" to see what is happening on AAC and notice quite a lot of cross posting.
If I see that relating to a thread/topic which I have been involved with here on ETO, I just drop it and dont bother with the thread any more.

I agree there are numerous cross postings. I believe this is due to the time constraints of having something due this week, this day, or the next hour. It's like some are so use to getting the desired answer quickly on the internet that their time is more valuable then those answering, so they can replace their research time with more important activities suitable to their lifestyle.

What they don't understand is that some of those who answer also believe that "lack of prior preparation on their part does not constitute an emergency on our part."
Are "wet noodles" obsolete?
Well honestly I don't know - In my location we don't grow noodles (and few or nobody have ever heard of ) so the parents of my generation had to find other apropriate items to use.

I want to beleive what JoeJester think is the case here, so bhuvaneshnick - I think the least you could do when gettting answer from some other source after asking around here is to tell us what kind of soution you choosed. That way you can sort of close this case, without creating grumpy-smileys around.
I forgot to add in my earlier rant ...

When I see URGENT, must be done by _____, or other signs that I believe the OP had poor time management, I will not answer until the deadline has passed. This of course is dependent on the OPs willingness to show their work.

If an OP wants just answers, there are plenty of "answers for cash" sites. Tutoring services are available online.

One who learns by finding out, has seven fold the skills of him who learns by being told.
-- Arthur Gutterman
First i am sorry about that.Forgive me.i am posting my question at same time in all forums(i am using 5 sci* forums).my point is every people have different perspective so i get different answers from them so i believe it will help me.
And i request you all.Dont avoid my question.I am from poor family.i dont have any one for guiding other than these forums(you) ,wikipedia and some few.
Thank you and again sorry for that.
The main purpose of this site is to help others with their electrical / electronic issues..

If you post good questions you will receive good answers..
When someone refers to "Multiple Postings" they are referring to this site... All members here watch all the forums so there is no need to double post...
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