Potassium Nitrate

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instead of fertilizer, you want stump remover ... the 'good stuff' is usually more than 90% saltpetre (KNO3) and the rest is filler and anti caking agents

google has the rest of the answers for you
Well I'm quite sure that this thread has been intercepted and logged either here in the US or in Australia by that clandestine entity that monitors all internet traffic and communications otherwise ... you think I'm joking? Not!

Besides, that newly registered poster's question is in the wrong arena ... this isn't a chemistry forum. I will mention that the military used to drain large piles of dung to catch the drippings that produced the nitrate. Potassium Nitrate is used in matches and stage pyrotechnics.
I had assumed the poster was asking about getting more potassium in his fresh water planted aquarium - stump remover is a easy way to add KNO3, relying on the ammonia cycle to break down the NO3, leaving the K for plants
He could simply stick a banana in the potted plants if he needs more potassium!
Doesn't really matter what the OP's intent, the destructive uses for KNO3 is well known, and there would be no way to limit how other people might use the information. Considering the number of daily suicide bombings (where do they find all those volunteers, shouldn't they run out of people eventually?), this isn't a good topic to discuss.

I think the days of home chemistry are well past, too many terrorists and drug labs.
ammonium nitrate is the commonly used fertilizer explosive, not potassium nitrate ... KNO3 burns hot and slow, NH4NO3 burns explosively fast
A random thought occured to me.

Could it be that some of these threads started by unknown "one posters" asking for information on topics which could have "black" uses, are actually started by government spooks who are on a fishing expedition to see what bites?


PS, I get lots of helicopters flying over my house, but so far none of them are black!

I know a site that's running a special on tin foil hats, let me know if your in need

every now and then a gov't helicopter flies over my town. it's not a black chopper but a bright orange/white one. really frickin LOUD - I think it's coast guard... probably has something to do with Lake Michigan.
For a while every night from 10PM to 3AM we had helicopters hovering over our town. Turns out it's a great way to catch drunken drivers. Unfortunately it's also a good way to keep an entire town awake.
justDIY said:
didn't have a thread debating 'The Man' being above the law a little while back?

Yes, wasn't the conclusion that if you outlaw donuts then only the outlaws would have donuts ?

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