Potassium Nitrate

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HiTech: Read the header... "****-Chat, Relax for a bit and have a general conversation (off topic is allowed!) with other members. Please be polite and respect your fellow members."

By the way... you can go to a local garden store and buy it. Instead of seperating it yourself. Also, You can use Potassium Nitrate and sodium nitrate to make model rocket engines up to an "M".
bryan1 said:
try eating it and see what comes out the other end

Read and consider the above reply before you come in here scolding me, young man! I gather that the Mods have left the building and now you're in charge?
justDIY said:
every now and then a gov't helicopter flies over my town. it's not a black chopper but a bright orange/white one. really frickin LOUD - I think it's coast guard... probably has something to do with Lake Michigan.
I think it is a Canadian government helicopter. It looks for Americans who escape from the guns and violence in America for the peacefulness in Canada. They jump over the border.
Border jumpers? LOL I think not. The only Americans doing any jumping are those training for the Olympics or the few distraught one that jump off Niagara Falls. BTW, I once witnessed a crazy father jump onto a protruding rock in the raging river, that was a mere hundred yards from the Fall's brink. He wanted his wife to take a photo of him. Just imagine if he had miscalculated or slipped. What a nice event for his family (and mine) to witness eh? The dumb a$$. I wisked my family out of there pronto!
audioguru said:
I think it is a Canadian government helicopter. It looks for Americans who escape from the guns and violence in America for the peacefulness in Canada. They jump over the border.
Alas, I'm too far from Canada to escape the guns and violence. I have to duck behind rocks and trees for 15 miles to get to work each day. Same thing on the way home.
audioguru said:
I think it is a Canadian government helicopter. It looks for Americans who escape from the guns and violence in America for the peacefulness in Canada. They jump over the border.

Or maybe we're bringing the guns and violence up there so there can be some excitement. Bwahahahahah
Canadians have lots of excitement. We watch and laugh at American news on TV.
I'm starting a national campaign on ridding this country of Canadian geese. They assemble in huge numbers and crap all over the place, leaving a biohazard for us Americans to have to deal with. Oh wait a minute, we have guns and plenty of ammo here. We'll just shoot them and serve them on a plate garnished with lettuce and peaches.
all their geese are infested with ticks too - anywhere with tall grass and lots of geese = biohazard area
Canada Geese can't help it. They eat grass and grass makes a lot of crap.
We have a lot of swans up here in Canada. I don't know what they eat but I have never seen any swan crap. I think they crap in the lake and it sinks out of sight.
You'd better hope that lake isn't your source of fresh water for drinking/bathing!!
Many big cities use the fresh "crapped by birds" water from Lake Ontario for drinking and bathing. The cities dump their treated (sometimes) sewage into the lake as well. The lake is much cleaner now than before and fish thrive in it.
The waste water from a good sewage treatment plant is nearly clean enough to drink anyway, it's probably cleaner than the water extracted from the lake.
Well, this thread seems to have turned full circle.

It started with one form of fertiliser (KNO3), drifted through various topics and is now back to another form of fertiliser (bird sh!t).

And the best part about it is...
the OP has not been back to comment in any way.

Ya know, now that you mention it, I think it has hapened before. I'm curious to know what the longest thread was in which the OP never came back. Better yet how many threads are there where the initial post was the ONLY post?
FYI: recirculated urine from ISS Space Station and Shuttle crew is cleaner than the water that is taken aboard prior to launch. It's used however for other purposes, obviously for psychological reasons. That's how effective the filtering process is in space environments.
"I can't believe the excellent taste of this reconstituted urine... much better than that bottled crap collected from snow-capped mountains and glaciers!!"

Actually you don't want pure water, it tastes flat and boring - as an ex-caver some of the nicest water I've ever had has been deep underground from 'puddles'
Nigel Goodwin said:
Actually you don't want pure water, it tastes flat and boring - as an ex-caver some of the nicest water I've ever had has been deep underground from 'puddles'

Lots of minerals in there no doubt to enhance its taste. It is well filtered by that point. Personally, I like the taste of processed tap water with the chlorine and all.. Some bottled waters with nothing in them taste bland or bitter to me. I guess I'm just too used to it.
HiTech said:
much better than that bottled crap collected from snow-capped mountains and glaciers!!

Just dont eat/drink the yellow snow!

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