potential problems

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New Member
i am working on a simple program to just test displaying data on the lcd, while processing the input from buttons, I finshed code i think will work, i just wana see if any one see some potential hangups, the code is written in basic

thanks for the help


  • lcd1.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 127
this looks like swordfish and if so i dont think you need to have the word SUB in there:
While True
    If Switch = 1 Then [B]Sub[/B] LED1
    If Switch2 = 1 Then [B]Sub[/B] LED2 

Also it would be wise to rename the subs since you use LED as a sub and variable you might have issues...

Device = 18F2550
Clock = 20

// some LCD options...
#option LCD_DATA = PORTB.4          // Assign the LCD connections
#option LCD_EN = PORTB.3            //
#option LCD_RS = PORTB.2            //

// import LCD library...
Include "LCD.bas" 
Include "utils.bas"
Include "convert.bas"

Dim Var1 As Word
Dim LED As PORTA.0                  // Assign an alias for "LED"
Dim LED2 As PORTA.1               // Assign an alias for "LED2"
Dim Switch As PORTA.2,              // Assign an alias for "Switch"
Dim Switch2 As PORTA.3,              // Assign an alias for "Switch2"

Sub Debounce()

    DelayMS(10)                     // Small delay to stop "bouncing"
    While Switch = 1                // Wait for the switch to be de-pressed    
    Wend                            //
End Sub

Sub LEDA()
    LED = 1
    DelayMS 100
    LED = 0
    DelayMS 100
End Sub

Sub LEDB()
    LED2 = 1
    DelayMS 100
    LED2 = 0
    DelayMS 100
End Sub

// Start Of Program...

SetAllDigital                       // Make all pins digital I/O's

Input(Switch)                       // Make the switch pin an input
Low(LED)                         // Make the LED an output and set it Low
Input(Switch2)                       // Make the switch1 pin an input
Low(LED2)                         // Make the LED2 an output and set it Low

DelayMS(150)                        // Let the LCD warm up
Cls                                 // Clear the LCD screen

WriteAt(1,1,"test")          // Send some text to the LCD
WriteAt(3,1,"Input function test")
WriteAt(4,1."2 input, 2 output")

While True
    If Switch = 1 Then LEDA
    If Switch2 = 1 Then LEDB
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