Power being drawn from battery

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Hi all. Before we begin please let me explain I know nothing about electronics, which why I'm looking for some help if anyone is willing to advise me. I am a Magician and am trying to create what to you guys is a simple circuit but I'm having some issues. What I wanted was a very small circuit max 25mmlongx20mmwide 9mm high,that was wired to a 3v led bulb and controlled by a remote control so when I pressed the button the light will go on and when button released the light goes off and powered by a cr2032 battery. On to cut a long story short I have achieved this by finding a dc3v Relay switch circuit board online. This works perfectly. My problem is that when I'm not using it the power is still drawn from the battery and last no more than 24 hours. Is this normal or is there a way of stopping this. Thought about adding a lilypad battery holder with on off switch, but would prefer not to have to keep switching on and off all the time just to preserve battery life. Any advise would be very much appreciated. Please remember I know nothing about electronics so if anyone does reply please try to explain in dummy terms lol thanks in advance.


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Unfortunately, a radio receiver needs power in order to operate. Removing the battery between performances or a switch seems the only solution.

I thought as much but just needed confirmation. So an on/off on the battery holder should stop power being used between uses? Thanks so much for your help.
I thought as much but just needed confirmation. So an on/off on the battery holder should stop power being used between uses? Thanks so much for your help.

You can slide a piece of paper under the coin battery and pull it out when you need it just before the show. You'll have to take the battery out to get the plastic film or paper under the battery but at least you won't have any added complexity or size to deal with.
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